dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008

Email- My summer!

It's been a very stressful and quite complicated summer, some good days and some bad.Once you start your summer job, it's hard to fit in all of the things you want to do, like,meeting your friends, going out, familiy, girlfriend...Apart from that, summer has been great, I managed to do everything I wanted to do, Ieven got a week off work, and I went Madrid with all my best friends, we had a great time.During the summer I've "missed" school a little bit, because it's where I see everybody again after three long months of summer.

dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008

My opinion about the film

Film Thirteen, is quite a strong film to watch but it’s also quite interesting to see what teenagers can really do on those rebel years, not all of them but some do get bad influenced by others, just because they want to be cooler and change, be more mature and not so immature…

The girl in the movie Tracy, at first is a lovely, young and intelligent girl, but soon as she makes friends with a hot and popular girl called Evie. Everything goes worse.
Tracy before was quite a quiet girl, always did what was told and she just was a good girl, but she had problems at home with her family, and when she meets Evie she rebels against her family, by taking drugs, smoking, stealing, partying, drinking, sex and many other stuff…
She’s always so cross, she answers back to her mum like of she wasn’t anything, her new way to be for her, seems to be an easy way to forget all her problems and have the time of her life. This new life takes over very quickly, she doesn’t realize the harm she’s doing on the people around her and she becomes very selfish. She doesn’t really care about anything; she just does what she has to do to be popular and cool. I think that Evie makes everything worse by staying over her house, like if she was living there, the family don’t have the privacy to take time, talk and try to make things better.
Tracy becomes a very rebel teenager because it seems that she hates her life, her inner self is a very depressing and sad person, there’s always ways to deal with things but she decides to take the easy way.
Every individual acts in a different way in front of a situation, Tracy’s way is to forget her past and just do what ever she likes with herself because that’s her way to do things, she really likes to blame her family for all the bad things even if they try to help her in the best way possible.

Her past hasn’t been good, because she’s been living her life knowing that her mum was an alcoholic that her dad is always working and is never there for her and the mum’s boyfriend was a drug addict. Tracy hates them for that so she does the same as them because they can’t really say anything about that because they did it, she probably thinks that it’s normal.

Adrian Moole also has family troubles and he’s a teenager like Tracy, but he doesn’t act like Tracy, he doesn’t rebel. He wants to make things better by helping, just trying to do good things to see if he can make a difference, and it does seem to work better than Tracy’s way.
In the end Adrian does seem to be a happier teenager than Tracy, Tracy just destroys her life and she doesn’t even know about it until the end that she is so weak she can’t do anything and then that’s when she sees the reality of everything.

dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2008

NEWS---- Animals!


Since last year, there has been a cat organization (APDA), their objective has been to reduce the amount of stray cats in the towns of Costa Brava.
The problem is, people on holiday come here in the summer and feed the cats, so there’s a lot of food supply so there’s no problem. But when the summer season finishes, visitors from other countries go back home leaving the cats with no food supply. Here is the problem; cats are forced to scavenge for food wherever they can find it.
APDA look after these cats, they try to take stray cats and give them a good supply of food, they also try to sterilize all the cats so then they can reduce the number of cats.

Costa Brava, Resident N.35 Juny’08


The black and yellow tortoise, Hermans Tortoise is the only remaining native of the Mediterranean. There’s only 7000 left, the Centre de Producció are trying to increase the number of tortoises on our native lands.
Most of them have disappeared because of the human agriculture, reducing are woods and fires that are started by humans or natural disasters.
Now they’re trying to release back to the wild were they belong to try and save the population. It’s been prohibited to take these tortoises for a pet now; this also reduced the number of our native tortoises.

Costa Brava, Resident N.32 April’08


This year there has been a huge increase of jellyfish in our beaches in Costa Brava. People have been warned, now there’s a flag to indicate if there’s jellyfish or not on our beaches.
Luckily there not lethal to us, just by putting vinegar or urine we can take the sting away, they tell you that you should rub it in fresh water, it’ll make it worse.
The cause of the increase is caused by human activity, by the global warming that changes the temperatures in the seas and also the overfishing activities there is.
Overfishing in our seas have reduced the number of red tuna and sword fish that are the enemies of the jellyfish, because of this jellyfish now don’t have a lot of enemies so the population has grown immensely.

Costa Brava, Resident N.33 May’08