diumenge, 31 de maig del 2009

Final evaluation!

During this year I really think that I have actually improved my spelling mistakes and I also think that my way of writing and explaining things has improved quite a lot. My entrees seem to be more mature when I express myself and I’ve been able to acquirer a richer vocabulary. For example on the last entry I’ve used words like, “as a result” “astonishing” and I’ve learnt to use various linking words…

I think that the best activity that shows my level of English is the Oral presentation because I’m able to express myself the way I like to and I usually use better words when I speak than when I write.

Again, I’d have to say the Oral presentation even if it’s a lot of work because it’s the best way to demonstrate and put to the test what you are really capable of.

Well I guess all of the activities are useful but I think that the least useful one is doing a summary about a film, because you don’t really learn a lot from it.

Sincerely I would like to do none of the activities next year because this project is very good but it’s also very stressful and I don’t really have the time of the world to this all this work I think that I have already got enough on my plate but anyways the best activity really is doing formal letters, informal letters, opinion essay’s just because it’s important to learn it for your future. The Oral presentation is also quite good because you learn to communicate with people.

Opinion Essay!

“We have learnt to respect our world” Do you agree?

As generations have evolved, we have destroyed most of our planets resources. But we have also learnt bit by bit, to respect our planet in a better way. In my opinion, humans have not done enough things to prevent the destruction of out planet Earth, so I disagree because we could do more.

Fist of all, I’d like to say that humans are one of the most contaminating and selfish creatures in the world, because they do not care about the others, they just care about their needs and if that means cutting five trees just to have a lovely chair, they will.
We can say that we have improved slightly but not enough to recuperate all the damage that we have done in the past and the damage we are still doing now.

To sum up, I’d like to say that as the years have gone by, our productivity, needs and our population has increased dramatically. As a result, we have damaged our planet in a way that it will always be impossible to go back to and unfortunately it’s already too late to do anything about it and because of it, humanity will come to an end together with Earth and the other creatures that populate Earth.

In conclusion, I think that the only way of actually respecting our planet is to stop at once all this contaminating and over populating our planet because if you think of it humans are actually some kind of plague.

dimarts, 12 de maig del 2009

3rd Oral presentation!

Hi there, AIDS can also be transmitted from mother to child. This happens when the mother is pregnant and she had got an infected utter. This disease can be transmitted to the baby and if so the baby has got a 25% of getting this disease. With special treatment this can be reduced to 1%.
It’s also not recommended to breast feed your baby if you have AIDS because that can be transmitted to the baby.
Te most common known to have AIDS is having sexual relationship, especially when you have unprotected sex. It doesn’t matter with whom, with your girlfriend, boyfriend or if you are a homosexual, there is still a huge risk of getting AIDS.
The easiest way to prevent getting AIDS is using condoms. A condom reduces it at 85%.

Now I’m going to talk to you about some of the symptoms if you have AIDS. You have pulmonary infections, it’s situated on your lungs you can have pneumonia that is when you have breathing difficulties, you have a lot of cough and you feel very tired and you can also have many spreadable tumours.
It can also infect your gastrointestinal organs; you can have chronic diarrhea and spreadable tumours. You may also have neurological problems like encephalitis; this is the inflammation of the brain and meningitis that is a virus that gets on the back of your brain and destroys your nervous system.
AIDS can affect everything; your eyes and other parts…

Now I would like to talk about the third world. As you know Africa is very common for its disease especially AIDS.
As we know Africa is a poor country it’s a country in development and the economy is very bad, so the hospitals there don’t have enough treatment, the right medicine and the money to treat the patients. The hygiene there is very bad.
People don’t have the money to buy protection because of its lack of resources, so that makes Africa a very high risk of getting it.
So because of the countries economy many millions of people in Africa die each year. So far 17 million have died. At least 25 million may follow.
As you can see on the map of Africa, South Africa is the most affected area and of all the people that have got AIDS, Africa has an 85% of AIDS and other countries 25%.

If you take a look at this graphic, you can see that in 1990 only 8 million people were affected by AIDS and as the years have gone by until 2007 there is actually 23 million people affected bi AIDS, So I think that it’s quite astonishing AIDS have increased over the years. Hopefully soon we’ll find a cure because if it keeps on going, I think that it would be very bad for the humanity.
These are pictures of people in Africa and how they look like if they don’t have the right treatments or medicines… They end up looking like this until there death.

This is the AIDS world wide. As you can see South Africa is the most affected area but there are many other places where AIDS are also there.
In Spain there’s only 1% of a 100%.
Finally I’d like to say that they have invested 500 million Euros to prevent AIDS and also as we know, AIDS is one the most deadly disease and also one of the most common and we hope that one day they’ll find a cure for this disease.

So if you have any questions, we would like to answer them.
On this Oral presentation we used a very visual presentation with many pictures and many graphics; I think that made it very attractive and nice.
I think that I did do eye contact with the people that were there listening to me and I tried to move around more and also relate myself with the presentation. I made sure that everyone knew what I was talking about on the oral presentation and I hardly read form my notes.


I think that on this presentation there was pretty much everything about AIDS because we talked about where it came from, how you can get it, how to prevent it, the most affected areas in the world and so on.
Everything was well organized and well structured and I tried to talk about everything in general. I looked most of the stuff on the internet but Clara and I organized it all how we wanted it, I think that because of this our presentation was very detailed because we talked about many things and we knew how to explain it.

I checked my grammar and I tried to use as many sentence linkers and fillers as possible, and I did look at the dictionary for various unknown words and to correct spelling mistakes.

I think that my vocabulary was good and fluent. I also think that my voice kept changing all the time so it wouldn’t sound to monotone. I think that people understood what I was saying and then relationated it to the power point.

I think that this has been the best oral presentation yet, so I’m going for a high mark and going for a 9.5!

dimecres, 15 d’abril del 2009

Informal letter!

C/La pera n.10
Barcelona (Spain) 17569
15th April '09

Dear Jonathan,
How are you?

I'm writing to you because I would like to find out about what time is your flight so then I'll be able to pick you up at the airport.
When you get there you'll come across an underground station where you will have to get on and it'll take you at the entrance of the airport.
I'm going to wait for you just outside of the airport because it usually very crowded there!

I'll have to pick you up in my dad's car because my car broke down over a week ago and it'll be in the garage until next month. So, watch out for a big 4X4. The colour of the car is electric blue.
When we meet we will be ready to set off onto our trip to the mountains.

Hope to see you very soon.
Kind regards! Robin xxx

P.S: Remember to bring your mountain boots!

dijous, 9 d’abril del 2009

dimarts, 31 de març del 2009

3rd film; Hancock!

Hi! So today I’m going to talk about a film that I saw with Clara, so she will probably talk about it to! So don’t be surprised if she does…

I’m going to talk about a film called Hancock, it’s not a very old film and it came out recently in the summer. The main character in this film is a very famous actor called Will Smith and he’s got the power of a superhero.
Hancock is no ordinary superhero. He’s different from all the others just because he’s not the typical hero that saves the day, quite the other way around, he does save people in trouble but he doesn’t seem to respect society or the damage he does to the city, he’s a free man and he does what he wants.
He doesn’t wear an outfit and he is all day drinking bottles of whisky so when he flies into the sky he doesn’t really seem to go that straight.
Everyone in the city hates him because he doesn’t really help anyone he is just more trouble than needed in the city causing a lot of damage making the economy go down because they spend millions of dollars of damage every time he does something.
The problem with Hancock is that he feels alone because he is the only one of his kind that lives in planet Earth and he doesn’t have any kind of communication with anyone else but him self.
He also doesn’t really know who he is, he doesn’t know the purpose of him being there, he thinks to him self; Am I a God? An Angel? Or am I a Superhero? What am I? ..

Everything gets better when he comes across a man that he saves, he is a business man and he is trying to change the world for all the poor countries. This man is very polite to him and he invites him to have dinner at his. Once Hancock is there, he doesn’t get a good impression from the man’s wife (something between them is weird)! He does have a good bond with the man’s child. The child thinks the world of Hancock, like the best man in the world.
The man has a plan. Help Hancock being a better person and then that would help the man’s dream come true, so he does. The man makes Hancock go into prison and there he teaches him how to be a respectful hero and he even gets a costume for him that he first denies but then accepts, the people start to like Hancock

As the film goes on we realize that Hancock and the man’s wife, in the past had a life together thousands of years ago because they are immortal and they never ever get old. The woman was Hancock’s past wife and they both have the superpowers. Hancock cannot remember the past because 80 years ago, they beat him up so hard that he fell unconscious and once awake at the hospital he didn’t recognize the woman, so she left him there.
When they’re together they become immortal, and that allows them to live a normal life, the can love and grow old like normal people.
The film ends that Hancock is beaten up again and shot down by some criminals and like he is close to the woman he becomes mortal, Both Hancock and the woman start to die because what ever happens to Hancock happens to her as well…
The film ends when they are about to die, Hancock gets up and starts to run, jump and fly away from her in a lot of pain, but every step he takes the more life he gains because the further apart they are to each other the more immortal they become.

I really enjoyed this film; I think that it was great because it was very different from all the other superhero films and Will Smith made it very funny.

3 new words learnt; enrage,punk ass and a saying in America "Oh shoot" it's like "Oh S**t!"

divendres, 13 de març del 2009

3rd News!

'Coral lab' offers acidity insight

CO2 emissions are harming the world’s big oceans and most importantly the greatest coral reefs of the world. The acidity of the water has gone up to 7.9pH this means that many corals will die because of it. They are experimenting in laboratories is they can survive a high concentration of acidity. Some species of coral do seem to keep on living but the majority dies. That’s what the scientist worried about, they calculate that in 2025 many corals will end up dying and therefore many animals will die. They are trying to tell the government to cut down CO2 emissions.

Words learnt: steel table arrayed, people who rely on fish and most desirable


Deep water fish decline concerns

There has been serious restriction of fishing in the East-North Atlantic because of the great decline of fish. There has been a study in Ireland of their stocks of fish since 1970 until 2006 and they recall that the great majority of deep sea fish, their numbers have decreased a great percent since the last decade. Also a lot of the times deep sea fishing catches fish not needed and kill them for nothing. Some fish live a 100 years and they don’t reproduce and they are coming to an end. Finally, our oceans are coming to an end and their species are threatened to disappear.

Words learnt: commercial trawling, surveying and fishery.


Poached skins matched to tigers

A new device has been invented by the English and the Indian that is able to identify individual tigers by their stripes and patterns. It was originally used to see the marks of the seals. With this 3D device they are able to identify by computer any tiger that they would like to know about. This device will make it easier for Scientist to estimate how many tigers are left in the world and how many of them have some kind of disease like AIDS.

Words learnt: laborious process, trip wires and discerning shapes.
